Genetic algorithm-based characterization of the optical properties of flame hydrolysis deposited silica waveguides

Área de Investigación: Articulos Año: 2004
Tipo de publicación: Artículo
Autores: García-Blanco, Sonia; Alfaro-Cid, Eva; De La Rue, R.M.; Aitchison, J.S.
Revista: Journal of Lightwave Technology Volumen: 22
Número: 12 Páginas: 2801-2807
Genetic Algorithms have been demonstrated to be a robust method for the calculation of the refractive index profile of annealed germanium-doped flame-hydrolysis deposited (FHD) silica layers using measurements of the effective refractive indices of the different modes of propagation. A non-uniform refractive index profile in depth was obtained, which agrees well with the germanium concentration and density profiles measured for the films.