Ruiz García, Rubén PDF Print E-mail
Written by Rubén Ruiz García   
Sunday, 02 March 2008 00:00

Ph. D. in Computer ScienceIceland
Full Professor
Head of group
Grupo de Sistemas de Optimización Aplicada (SOA)
Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI)

Home Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa Aplicadas y Calidad
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio 7A, 46022, Valencia, Spain
Phone +34 96 387 70 07, ext. 74946
Fax +34 96 387 74 99
Mail rruiz AT eio DOT upv DOT com
  Twitter Facebook Linked-In Research Gate


Welcome to my personal web page!!

Finally I have managed to move my personal web page to a new server based on Joomla! Please feel free to wander around.

The information about my publications, along with the publications of the whole group is here. There you will find detailed listings of all publications with downloadable files and so on. Go to Problem instances to download all the benchmark instances the publications use. Many of these files are just huge and are not published. If you need them, get in touch with us and we will work out a way to get them to you.

Below you can find other activities I am involved into.



I am editor of a new Open Access journal of Elsevier, Operations Research Perspectives (ORP). It is a new era general journal inside the area of Operations Research/Management Science. It follows a new philosphy that does without hard paper publication, there is no issue concept and no page limits. Accepted papers are published as soon as they are proofed as there are no "in-press" sections. Being Open Access means that papers are accesible by anybody in thew world without going through paywalls.

I am editor, togheter with professors A. Allahverdi and José M. Framiñán of the new journal European Journal of Industrial Engineering (EJIE). We are working on the volume corresponding to year 2013. EJIE has already appeared in the Journal Citation Reports Science Edition 2009 with a noteworthy impact factor of 1.104. The journal ranks 17 out of 37 in the subject category "Engineering, Industrial" and 30 out of 73 in the subject category "Operations Research & Management Science".  In the 2010 edition of the Journal Citation Reports, the journal's impact factor increased to 1.787. The journal now ranks 5 out of 37 in the subject category "Engineering, Industrial" and 18 out of 74 in the subject category "Operations Research & Management Science". Later the journal dropped the impact factor in 2011 but in 2012 it is back again with an impact factor of 1.6. It the recent years it has stabilized with an impact factor of around 0.7-0.8.

The journal started publishing in 2007, so it is quite good news that the journal is already indexed in the JCR. We will be glad to publish your papers.

I am associate editor of the journal Applied Mathematics & Computation (AM&C) since 2007.

I am associate editor of the journal TOP since 2012.

I am a member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) since 2007.

I am a member of the editorial board of the Computers and Operations Research (C&ORsince 2015.

I am a member of the editorial board of the journal Mathematical Problems in Engineering (MPE) since 2012.

I am also a member of the editorial board of some new journals: International Journal of Applied Management Science (IJAMS), International Journal of Metaheuristics (IJMHeur), International Journal of Advanced Operations Management (IJAOM), International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management (IJMOM), International Journal of Supply and Operations Management (IJSOM), Journal of Mathematics (JMath) and Chinese Journal of Mathematics (CJM).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 July 2016 10:15