publicacio - Solving the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with genetic algorithms

Solving the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with genetic algorithms

Area d'investigacio: Articulos Any: 2003
Tipus de publicacio: Articul
Autors: Alcaraz, Javier; Maroto, C.; Ruiz, Rubén
Revista: Journal of the Operational Research Society Volum: 54
Número: 6 Pagines: 614-626
Times Cited: 18 Article English Alcaraz, J Univ Politecn Valencia, Dept Stat {&} Operat Res, Cde Vera S-N, E-46071 Valencia, Spain Cited References Count: 27 691UP PALGRAVE PUBLISHERS LTD BRUNEL RD BLDG, HOUNDMILLS, BASINGSTOKE RG21 6XS, HANTS, ENGLAND BASINGSTOKE
In this paper we consider the Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with makespan minimisation as the objective. We have developed new genetic algorithms, extending the representation and operators previously designed for the single-mode version of the problem. Moreover, we have defined a new fitness function for the individuals who are infeasible. We have tested different variants of the algorithm and chosen the best to be compared to different heuristics previously published, using standard sets of instances included in PSPLIB. Results illustrate the good performance of our algorithm
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