Analysis of production scheduling in Spanish tile industry

Área de Investigación: Articulos Año: 2005
Tipo de publicación: Artículo
Autores: Vallada, Eva; Maroto, C.; Ruiz, Rubén; Segura, B.
Revista: Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio Volumen: 44
Número: 1 Páginas: 39-44
Times Cited: 6 Article Spanish Vallada, E Univ Politecn Valencia, Dept Estadist {&} Invest Operat Alpicadas {&} Cal, E-46071 Valencia, Spain Cited References Count: 15 899IY SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA CERAMICA VIDRIO ANTIGUA CTRA MADRID-VALENCIA, KM 24,300, ARGANDA DEL REY, 28500 MADRID, SPAIN MADRID
The Spanish tile industry is the European leader in terms of production quota and employs high production automated systems. However, this industry has not yet included necessary production scheduling flexible systems, taking into account demand evolution and competitors countries. In this work we analyze the results of a survey applied to industries in this field allowing us to characterize their operating systems and production scheduling problems. This is a basic analysis and prior to the development of suitable optimization methods that will permit higher competitiveness in the international sector
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