Ruiz, Rubén, Maroto, C. & Alcaraz, Javier. (2006). Two new robust genetic algorithms for the flowshop scheduling problem. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 34(5), 461-476.[Més][Versio digital]
Any: 2005
Alfaro-Cid, Eva, McGookin, E.W., Murray-Smith, D.J. & Fossen, T.I. (2005). Optimisation of a decoupled sliding mode controller for a supply ship using genetic algorithms: simulated and real results. Control Engineering Practice, 13(6), 739-748.[Més]
Ruiz, Rubén & Maroto, C. (2005). A comprehensive review and evaluation of permutation flowshop heuristics. European Journal of Operational Research, 165(2), 479-494.[Més][Versio digital]
Ruiz, Rubén, Maroto, C. & Alcaraz, Javier. (2005). Solving the flowshop scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times using advanced metaheuristics. European Journal of Operational Research, 165(1), 34-54.[Més][Versio digital]
Vallada, Eva, Maroto, C., Ruiz, Rubén & Segura, B. (2005). Analysis of production scheduling in Spanish tile industry. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio, 44(1), 39-44.[Més][Versio digital]
Any: 2004
García-Blanco, Sonia, Alfaro-Cid, Eva, De La Rue, R.M. & Aitchison, J.S. (2004). Genetic algorithm-based characterization of the optical properties of flame hydrolysis deposited silica waveguides. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 22(12), 2801-2807.[Més]
Ruiz, Rubén, Maroto, C. & Alcaraz, Javier. (2004). A decision support system for a real vehicle routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 153(3), 593-606.[Més][Versio digital]
Segura, B., Vallada, Eva, Maroto, C. & Ruiz, Rubén. (2004). Operations strategy in Spanish tile industry firms. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio, 43(6), 929-932.[Més][Versio digital]
Any: 2003
Alcaraz, Javier, Maroto, C. & Ruiz, Rubén. (2003). Solving the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with genetic algorithms. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54(6), 614-626.[Més][Versio digital]