publicacio - Evaluating passenger robustness in a rail transit network

Evaluating passenger robustness in a rail transit network

Area d'investigacio: Articulos Any: 2012
Tipus de publicacio: Articul Paraules clau: Railway network design, Passenger Robustness, Indexes
Autors: de los Santos, Alicia; Laporte, Gilbert; Mesa, Juan A.; Perea, Federico
Revista: Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Volum: 20
Número: 1 Pagines: 34-36
The purpose of this paper is to provide passenger robustness measures for a rail transit network. A network is robust when it reacts well to disruptions on links or stations. In order to measure robustness, indexes relative to the overall travel time of a network when links fail are introduced for two different cases: without-bridging interruptions and with-bridging interruptions. In the first case, passengers either have to wait for the failure to be repaired or find an alternative route in the network, whereas in the second case a bus service between the affected stations is provided and only the failing link is disrupted. A computation of these indexes for the Madrid commuter system shows their applicability.
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