Complete results for the paper "Mixed-Integer Programming Versus Constraint Programming for Shop Scheduling Problems: New Results and Outlook" Correu electrònic
divendres, 05 de novembre de 2021 14:57

Find here an Excel files for the complete results of the aforementioned work, in cooperation with Bahman Naderi and Vahid Roshanaei.

Darrera actualització en divendres, 05 de novembre de 2021 15:01
Online materials for the manuscript "A Parameter-less Iterated Greedy Method for the Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Setup Times and Due Date Windows" Correu electrònic
dimecres, 10 de març de 2021 00:00

We tried to put these online materials along with the manuscript in the submission system, but alas, this is almost 800 MBytes compressed with 7zip. Get it here. There is a PDF inside with all explanations.

Darrera actualització en dimecres, 10 de març de 2021 19:06
Benchmark of instances for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem Correu electrònic
dijous, 05 de octubre de 2017 11:13

Benchmark of instances for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem. There are 240 small instances and 240 large instances. All sets, together with the best known solutions and lower bounds are given as a single file here. You will need the freeware compressor 7zip to open the file. 

These instances have been used in the paper:

Vallada, EvaRuiz, Rubén & Framinan, Jose M. (2017). New hard benchmark for flowshop scheduling problems minimising makespanEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 240, 666-677.

The complete solutions (permutations) are available here.

Darrera actualització en dilluns, 23 de març de 2020 09:30
Online materials for a problem with unrelated parallel machines and additional resource Correu electrònic
dilluns, 05 de octubre de 2015 00:00

The online materials for a work in which we study an unrelated parallel machine problem with an additiona resource are provided in a single zip file here.

There is lots of information here:

  • readme.txt file with quick instructions
  • a Howto pdf file with detailed instructions
  • All instances used in the paper
  • A binary to generate those instances or other instances if wished
  • A binary to replicate all results of all proposed algorithms and models
  • Excel files with all detailed summarized results given in the paper
  • Detailed complete solution files
  • Statistics files used in the files for the analyses
Darrera actualització en dilluns, 05 de octubre de 2015 09:23
Instances for hybrid flowshops with identical machines per stage and due windows Correu electrònic
dimarts, 07 de octubre de 2014 11:13

These instances consider flowshops with m stages and several parallel (identical) machines per stage. Instead of due dates for jobs we have due date windows. Each due date is different for each job. There are weights for earliness that are different from the weights of tardiness.

There are 4 sets of instances. Small, large, calibration small and calibration large. All sets, together with the best solutions known and best total weighted earliness and tardiness values are given a a single file here. There is also a complete explanation of the instances and files inside. Look for "readme.txt". You will need the freeware compressor 7zip to open the file. 

These instances have been used in the paper:

Quan-Ke, Pan, Ruiz, Rubén & Alfaro-Fernández, Pedro. (2017). Iterated search methods for earliness and tardiness minimization in hybrid flowshops with due windowsComputers & Operations Research80, 50-60.

The complete solutions for all tested algorithms and methods are available upon request from the authors.

Darrera actualització en dimarts, 14 de març de 2017 08:23
Instances for distributed assembly permutation flowshops with sequence dependent setup times (multiple factories) Correu electrònic
dissabte, 08 de març de 2008 21:18

These instances extend the distributed permutation flowshop problem by adding an additional assembly stage at the end and sequence dependent setup times


There are two sets calibration and test instances. The calibration set comprises 60 instances that are available here (7z compressed file, use 7Zip freeware program to open it). The best solutions known for these instances are here.

Then there is a much larger set of 540 test instances. They are here and the best solutions here.

Darrera actualització en dimecres, 25 de juny de 2014 11:34
Instances for depot location in realistic and asymmetric vehicle routing problems (ACVRP) Correu electrònic
dimarts, 28 de maig de 2013 00:00

Instances used in Rodríguez A., Ruiz R., "A study of the effect of the depot location in realistic and asymmetric vehicle routing problems", can be downloaded here:

  • case ACVRP - depot (30 MB)Instances  ACVRP-depot
  • 540 location files, for different number of nodes on several territories and depot locations.
  • 540 distance matrix files (real asymmetric).
  • 360 demand and max.capacity files.
  • » explanation of the ACVRP - depot  files format here.

Note: The files were tested 100% ok in their extraction with several software. You can to extract the files with: 7-Zip (Windows), IZArc (Windows), Unarchiver (Mac OS X) or other software compatible with 7z compress format. For more information, please contact.

Related papers and publications.

Rodríguez, Alejandro & Ruiz, Rubén. (2012). A study on the effect of the asymmetry on real capacitated vehicle routing problems. Computers & Operations Research39(9), 2142–2151

Darrera actualització en divendres, 25 de novembre de 2016 18:37
Instances for cyclic and noncyclic single machine scheduling problem with highly perishable products and deadlines Correu electrònic
dissabte, 08 de març de 2008 21:18

The sets of small and large instances, along with best known solutions for each case are available here (7z compressed file, use 7Zip freeware program to open it).

Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:53
Instances for cyclic scheduling of perishable products in parallel machines with release dates, due dates and deadlines Correu electrònic
dissabte, 08 de març de 2008 21:18

The sets of small and large instances, along with best known solutions for each case are available here (7z compressed file, use 7Zip freeware program to open it).

Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:52
Instances for mixed no-idle flowshop problems Correu electrònic
dissabte, 08 de març de 2008 21:18

These instances extend the pure no-idle instances by considering both idle as well as no-idle machines.

The basic benchmark contains 250 instances. All combinations of the following n and m values are used: n = {50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500} and m = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}. For each one of the 10 × 5 = 50 combinations, five replicates are obtained which results in 250 instances. 

Furthermore, for each one of these 250 instances we create 7 different sets:

Group 1: The first 50% of the machines have the no-idle constraint. The remaining 50% are regular idle machines.

Group 2: The second 50% of the machines have the no-idle constraint.

Group 3: The machines alternate, in order, between regular and no-idle constraints.

Group 4: A random 25% of the machines are no-idle. Group 5: 50% random no-idle machines.

Group 6: 75% random no-idle machines.

Group 7: This group contains the 250 original no-idle instances of Ruiz et al. (2009), i.e., in this group all machines have the no-idle constraint.


In total we have 1750 instances which are available here (7z compressed file, use 7Zip freeware program to open it). There is also a set of 100 random calibration instances here.  The best known solutions for the test benchmark are here. Note that at the end of each instance there is a vector with a boolean for each machine (NO-IDLE), a value of 0 means a regular idle machine and a value of 1 means a no-idle machine.

Darrera actualització en diumenge, 09 de juliol de 2023 17:50
Instances for distributed assembly permutation flowshops (multiple factories) Correu electrònic
dissabte, 08 de març de 2008 21:18

These instances extend the distributed permutation flowshop problem by adding an additional assembly stage at the end

There is a set of 900 small instances and a set of 810 larger instances. All instances are available here (7z compressed file, use 7Zip freeware program to open it). The best known solutions are here.

Darrera actualització en dijous, 29 de novembre de 2012 14:47
Instances for unrelated parallel machine problems with machine and job selection Correu electrònic
dimecres, 05 de gener de 2011 18:46

The base instances as regards jobs and machines are based on "instances for unrelated parallel machines problems and makespan criterion" here we only give the best known solutions in an excel file which is available here (Excel 2007 format).

We used these instances in the following paper:

Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:48
Instances for vehicle routing problems (TSP, CVRP) Correu electrònic
dimarts, 13 de juliol de 2010 09:53

Instances used in the Ph.D. thesis of Alejandro Rodríguez Villalobos, named "Study of the effect of asymmetry in vehicle routing problems", can be downloaded here:

  • Instances TSP
  • case TSP (606 MB)
  • 450 location files, for different number of nodes on several territories.
  • 2250 distance matrix files (orthodromic, real asymmetric and others).
  • » explanation of the TSP files format here.
  • case CVRP (712 MB)Instance CVRP
  • 1350 location files, for different number of nodes on several territories and depot locations.
  • 2700 distance matrix files (orthodromic and real asymmetric).
  • 900 demand and max.capacity files.
  • » explanation of the CVRP files format here.

Note: The files were tested 100% ok in their extraction with several software. You can to extract the files with: 7-Zip (Windows), IZArc (Windows), Unarchiver (Mac OS X) or other software compatible with 7z compress format. For more information, please contact.

Related papers and publications.

Rodríguez, Alejandro & Ruiz, Rubén (2010). Estudio de la relación entre la asimetría de las redes de transporte por carretera, el territorio y la localización. En  de  Basurto  Uraga, Pablo  Díaz,  Carrasco, Ernesto  Cilleruelo,  Laburu, Carlos  Ochoa,  de  Arbulo  López, Patxi  Ruiz,  Bilbao, Enara  Zarrabeitia,  Meaza, Izaskun  Alvarez et al (editores), 4th   International   Conference   on   Industrial   Engineering   and   Industrial  Management.  XIV  Congreso  Ingeniería  de  Organización, páginas 1100-1109. Alameda  Urquijo  s/n, 48013  Bilbao   : Departamento  de  Organización  de  Empresas, Universidad  . [Más] [Versión digital]

Katragjini, KostancaRuiz, Rubén & Rodríguez, Alejandro (2010). Using real world distances in logistics management. En de Basurto Uraga, Pablo Díaz, Carrasco, Ernesto Cilleruelo, Laburu, Carlos Ochoa, de Arbulo López, Patxi Ruiz, Bilbao, Enara Zarrabeitia, Meaza, Izaskun Alvarez et al (editores), 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management. XIV Congreso Ingeniería de Organización, páginas 1166-1176. Alameda Urquijo s/n, 48013 Bilbao : Departamento de Organización de Empresas, Universidad. [Más] [Versión digital] 

Rodríguez, Alejandro & Ruiz, Rubén. (2012a). A study on the effect of the asymmetry on real capacitated vehicle routing problems. Computers & Operations Research39(9), 2142–2151. [Más] [Versión digital]

Rodríguez, Alejandro & Ruiz, Rubén. (2012b). The effect of the asymmetry of road transportation networks on the Traveling Salesman Problem. Computers & Operations Research39(7), 1566-1576. [Más] [Versión digital]

Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:44
Instances, results and other materials for multi-objective PFSP with SDST Correu electrònic
dijous, 10 de juny de 2010 16:36
  • Instances for the multi-objective permutation flowshop problem with sequence dependent setups ara available here.
  • The results of the "Design-of-Experiment" (DoE) phase can be downloaded here.
  • Te results of the experiments for makespan-total flowtime and makespan total weighted tardines are available here.
  • Here there is a collection of images representing empirical attainment functions (EAFs) and differential empirical attainment functions (Diff-EAFs) for both (makespan - total flowtime) and (makespan - total weighted tardiness) objective pairs
  • Finally here can be found a 47 pages PDF file containing all the tables and figures for the ANOVA as well as Friedman rank-based experiments. 
  • Instances used in this paper:
  • M. CiavottaG. Minella and R. Ruiz, (2013). Multi-objective sequence dependent setup times flowshop scheduling: a new algorithm and a comprehensive studyEuropean Journal of Operational Research227(2), 301-313
Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:47
Instances for multi-objective hybrid flowshop problems Correu electrònic
dijous, 11 de març de 2010 17:42

Large and small instances, both for calibration and for final tests, can be downloaded here.

The instances are used in the Ph.D. thesis of Thijs Urlings, named "Heuristics and metaheuristics for heavily constrained hybrid flowshop problems".

Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:45
Machine breakdowns, new job arrivals and job release time changes for rescheduling permutation flowshops Correu electrònic
dimarts, 16 de febrer de 2010 15:50

The complete set of events along with the initial baselines can be downloaded from here.

The instances have been used in this paper:

K. Katragjini, E. Vallada, Eva and R. Ruiz, (2013). Flowshop rescheduling under different types of disruptionInternational Journal of Production Research50(1), 780-797.

Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:43
Instances for distributed permutation flowshops (multiple factories) Correu electrònic
dissabte, 08 de març de 2008 21:18

These instances extend the regular flowshop instances with multiple factories

There is a set of 420 small instances and a set of 720 larger instances. There are also two small sets (small and large) of test instances for calibration. All instances are here (7z compressed file, use 7Zip freeware program to open it).


These instances have been used in this paper:

 Naderi, B. & Ruiz, Rubén, (2010). The distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problemComputers & Operations Research37(4), 754-768.

The best solutions for this initial paper are here.


Later, the instances were used in this paper

Naderi, B. & Ruiz, Rubén, (2014). A scatter search algorithm for the distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 239(2), 323-334.

New best solutions here.


Recently, we have used the instances again:

Ruiz, Rubén, Pan, Q.-K. & Naderi, B. (2018). Iterated Greedy methods for the distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem. OMEGA, The International Journal of Management Science. In press.

See the latest best solutions here.

Darrera actualització en dimecres, 28 de març de 2018 20:55
Instances for unrelated parallel machines problems and makespan criterion Correu electrònic
dissabte, 08 de març de 2008 21:18

The instances are divided into 7 groups of 200 instances each, totaling 1,400 instances.

All instances with the best solutions known are here (large 47Mb file, use 7Zip freeware program to open it). The best known solutions have been obtained with CPLEX 11.1 with 2 hours running time on a Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz computer.

The instances have been used in these papers:

L. Fanjul, and R. Ruiz, (2010). Iterated greedy local search methods for unrelated parallel machine schedulingEuropean Journal of Operational Research207(1), 55-69.

L. Fanjul, and R. Ruiz(2011). Size-reduction heuristics for the unrelated parallel machines scheduling problemComputers & Operations Research38(1), 301-309.

L. Fanjul, and R. Ruiz(2012). Scheduling unrelated parallel machines with optional machines and jobs selectionComputers & Operations Research,39(7), 1745-1753.

Much later, in 2021, some colleagues have presented excellent results using an exact solver in the paper:

E. Åblad, A.-B. Strömberg, D. Spensieri. (2021) Exact makespan minimization of unrelated parallel machines OJMO, 2, 15 p,  doi : 10.5802/ojmo.4

They have been using the aforementioned instances, resulting in many incumbent (often optimal) solutions. The new results and the solver source code is found here, including a summary on the results, a compressed file with all results, and all scripts that produced the results.

Darrera actualització en divendres, 05 de novembre de 2021 15:04
Instances for hybrid flexible flowshop problems with setups Correu electrònic
dimecres, 05 de març de 2008 00:00

These problems are hybrid flowshops with identical parallel machines per stage where job stage skipping is allowed. Furthermore, stage and job sequence dependent setup times are present.

You can find all instances here (20,3 Mbyte file, use 7Zip freeware program to open it).

We used these instances in the following paper:


Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:33
Instances for no-idle permutation flowshops Correu electrònic
dissabte, 08 de març de 2008 21:18

Full set of instances (including test instances) here (7z compressed file, use 7Zip freeware program to open it). The best known solutions are here.

These instances have been used in the following book chapter


  • R. Ruiz, E. Vallada and Fernández-Martínez, C. (2009). Scheduling in flowshops with no-idle machinesScheduling in flowshops with no-idle machines, chapter 2, pages 21-52 of the book "Computational Intelligence in Flow Shop and Job Shop Scheduling" edited by Uday K. Chakraborty. New York : Springer.
Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:15
Instances for unrelated parallel machines problems with sequence dependent setup times and makespan criterion Correu electrònic
dissabte, 08 de març de 2008 21:18

Large and small instances here (HUGE 425Mb file!, use 7Zip freeware program to open it). Test instances for calibration experiments are here. The best known solutions so far are here.

We used these instances in the following paper:

Later, the same problem was studied in this paper:

   L. Fanjul, R. Ruiz F. Perea. (2019). Reformulations and an exact algorithm for unrelated parallel machine scheduling problems with setup timesComputers and Operations Research101, 173-182.

This last paper uses three sets of instances of three different sizes, small, medium and large. Large instances go all the way up to 1000 jobs and 8 machines. These instances are so large in total (more than 8 Gigabytes) that we are providing here a 7zip file of almost 1 Terabyte with all of them.

Darrera actualització en divendres, 17 de maig de 2019 21:38
Instances for unrelated parallel machines problems with resource-assignable SDST Correu electrònic
dissabte, 08 de març de 2008 21:18

Large and small instances, along with best solutions here (large 78 Mb file!, use 7Zip freeware program to open it).

 We have used these instances in the following paper:

Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:11
Instances for bi-criteria no-wait flowshops Correu electrònic
dijous, 06 de març de 2008 00:00

The instances (weighted makespan and maximum lateness, with different weights) can be downloaded here.

We provide also the best solutions for those instances that were actually used in the paper (U[1,00] and m≥3) here.


 We used these instances in the following paper:

Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:12
Instances for complex hybrid flexible flowline problems Correu electrònic
dimecres, 05 de març de 2008 00:00

These problems contain many constraints.

The complete set of instances is incredibly large. This set contains no less than 9,216 small instances and 3,072 large instances. It was used in the following paper:



 If you want the complete set of instances (about 1.52 Gigabytes!!) open up an FTP account or some shared storage and drop us an email. Alternatively, we can send you a DVD disc if you provide us with a full mailing address.

A subset of these instances (576 small instances and 192 large instances) is here (12,1 Mbyte file, use 7Zip freeware program to open it). A list of best known solution values for the small and the large instancesis available as well.

We used these latter instances in the following papers:



Darrera actualització en dilluns, 27 de febrer de 2012 14:29
Instances for multi objective flowshop problems Correu electrònic
dimecres, 05 de març de 2008 00:00

You can download the instances here (use 7Zip freeware program to open it).

More or less, these instances are those of Taillard's with the addition of due dates. 

We have compiled the best known Pareto sets for each instance here. These are given for three different CPU time stopping criteria and also for each one of the three possible criteria combinations (makespan and total tardiness, makespan and total flowtime and total flowtime and total tardiness).

 We have used these instances in the following papers:

Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:06
Instances for the permutation flowshop problem and sequence dependent setup times and due dates Correu electrònic
dimarts, 04 de març de 2008 00:00

You can download the instances here (28.5 Mb file!, use 7Zip freeware program to open it).

Basically, we use extended the instances described above for the flowshop with setup times with due dates, so there are also 4 groups of instances with 120 problems each (480 total). 

The best known solutions for the instances are here.

 We have used these instances in the following paper:

  • R. Ruiz and T. Stützle, (2008) An Iterated Greedy heuristic for the sequence dependent setup times flowshop with makespan and weighted tardiness objectives. European Journal of Operational Research 187, 1143-1159.
  • Darrera actualització en dilluns, 18 de gener de 2010 10:48
    Benchmark for flowshops and due dates Correu electrònic
    dilluns, 03 de març de 2008 00:00

    The complete benchmark (540 instances) along with the best solutions can be downloaded here.

    We used these instances in the following papers:

    Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:08
    Instances for no-wait flowshop with setup times and due dates Correu electrònic
    diumenge, 02 de març de 2008 00:00
    The complete set of instances (including the test set) comprises 6,060 files that can be downloaded here (10.6 Mbyte file). 

    The best known solutions (maximum lateness criterion) can be obtained from this small excel file.

    We used these instances in the following paper:

  • R. Ruiz and A. Allahverdi, (2007). No-Wait Flowshop with Separate Setup Times to Minimize Maximum Lateness. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 35, 551-565.
  • Darrera actualització en dilluns, 18 de gener de 2010 11:00
    Instances for no-wait flowshop with setup times Correu electrònic
    dissabte, 01 de març de 2008 00:00

    There is a set of 3,000 small instances available here.

    The set of 2,400 large instances can be downloaded from here (19.5 Mbyte file). 

    The best known solutions (total completion time criterion) for the 5,400 instances can be obtained from this small excel file.

     We used these instances in the following paper:

  • R. Ruiz and A. Allahverdi, (2007). Some Effective Heuristics for No-Wait Flowshops with Setup Times to Minimize Total Completion Time. Annals of Operations Research 156, 143-171.
  • Darrera actualització en dilluns, 18 de gener de 2010 11:01
    Instances for the permutation flowshop problem with preventive maintenance Correu electrònic
    divendres, 29 de febrer de 2008 00:00

    The sets of instances, along with the best known solutions are available here (22 Mb file!, use 7Zip freeware program to open it)

    There are two sets of instances, with 3,600 instances each (7,200 total).  

     We used these instances in the following paper: 

  • R. Ruiz, J. Carlos García-Díaz and C. Maroto, (2007). Considering scheduling and preventive maintenance in the flowshop sequencing problem. Computers & Operations Research 34, 3314-3330.
  • Darrera actualització en dilluns, 18 de gener de 2010 11:02
    Instances for the permutation flowshop problem and sequence dependent setup times F/prmu,SDST/Cmax Correu electrònic
    dijous, 28 de febrer de 2008 00:00

    You can download the instances here (28.6 Mb file!, use 7Zip freeware program to open it).

    Basically, we use the well known code of Taillard to "extend" Taillard's intances with setup times. 

    There are four sets of instances with 120 instances each (480 instances in total):

     SET 1 (SDST10): Setup times are uniformly distributed between 1 and 9 (10% of the processing times)

     SET 2 (SDST50): Setup times are uniformly distributed between 1 and 49 (50% of the processing times)

     SET 3 (SDST100): Setup times are uniformly distributed between 1 and 99 (100% of the processing times)

     SET 4 (SDST125): Setup times are uniformly distributed between 1 and 124 (125% of the processing times)

    The best known solutions for the instances are here (small .xls file)

     We have used these instances in the following papers:

    Darrera actualització en dilluns, 02 de setembre de 2013 17:13