Minimizing the bicriteria of makespan and maximum tardiness with an upper bound on maximum tardiness

Área de Investigación: Articulos Año: 2009
Tipo de publicación: Artículo
Autores: Ruiz, Rubén; Allahverdi, A.
Revista: Computers & Operations Research Volumen: 36
Número: 4 Páginas: 1268-1283
Times Cited: 0 Article English Ruiz, R Univ Politecn Valencia, Inst Tecnol Informat, Camino Vera S-N, Valencia 46021, Spain Cited References Count: 33 400BN PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND OXFORD
This paper studies the flowshop scheduling problem with a complex bicriteria objective function. A weighted sum of makespan and maximum tardiness subject to a maximum tardiness threshold value is to be optimized. This problem, with interesting potential applications in practice, has been sparsely studied in the literature. We propose global and local dominance relationships for the three machine problem and a fast and effective genetic algorithm (GA) for the more general m-machine case. The proposed GA incorporates a novel three-phase fitness assignment mechanism specially targeted at dealing with populations in which both feasible as well as infeasible solutions might coexist. Comprehensive computational and statistical experiments show that the proposed GA outperforms the two most effective existing heuristics by a considerable margin in all scenarios. Furthermore, the proposed GA is also faster and able to find more feasible solutions. It should be noted that when the weight assigned to maximum tardiness is zero, then the problem is reduced to minimizing makespan subject to a maximum tardiness threshold value. Heuristics for both problems have been provided in the literature recently but they have not been compared. Another contribution of this paper is to compare these recent heuristics with each other
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