Solving the flowshop scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times using advanced metaheuristics

Área de Investigación: Articulos Año: 2005
Tipo de publicación: Artículo
Autores: Ruiz, Rubén; Maroto, C.; Alcaraz, Javier
Revista: European Journal of Operational Research Volumen: 165
Número: 1 Páginas: 34-54
Times Cited: 17 Article English Ruiz, R Univ Politecn Valencia, Dept Estad {&} Invest Operat Aplicadas {&} Calidad, Edificio 1-3,Camino Vera S-N, Valencia 46021, Spain Cited References Count: 41 905CJ ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS AMSTERDAM
This paper deals with the permutation flowshop scheduling problem in which there are sequence dependent setup times on each machine, commonly known as the SDST flowshop. The optimisation criteria considered is the minimisation of the makespan or C-max. Genetic algorithms have been successfully applied to regular flowshops before, and the objective of this paper is to assess their effectiveness in a more realistic and complex environment. We present two advanced genetic algorithms as well as several adaptations of existing advanced metaheuristics that have shown superior performance when applied to regular flowshops. We show a calibration of the genetic algorithm's parameters and operators by means of a Design of Experiments (DOE) approach. For evaluating the proposed algorithms, we have coded several, if not all, known SDST flowshop specific algorithms. All methods are tested against an augmented benchmark based on the instances of Taillard. The results show a clear superiority of the algorithms proposed, especially for the genetic algorithms, regardless of instance type and size. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
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